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Medium Voltage Assemblies 7_Web
Medium Voltage Assemblies 2_Web
Medium Voltage Assemblies 6_Web

Medium Voltage Assemblies

Medium Voltage Assemblies feature a highly flexible, single conductor, shielded medium voltage cable designed to ICEA standards. An extra heavy-duty TSE jacket provides excellent protection against tearing, abrasion, oil, impact, and most industrial chemicals. Available in voltages from 5kV to 35kV with Raychem, 3M, Cooper, Elastimold and many other connectorization offerings. Ideal for applications where flexibility is required.


Super-Trex® Type SH Medium Voltage Power Cable

Extra heavy-duty jacket that provides excellent protection against abrasion, impact, tearing, oil and most industrial chemicals. A copper braid insulation shield and fine conductor stranding significantly improve cable flexibility.

Industry Compatibility

Designed and built to the specific application for a plug & play solution across all industry configurations.

Electrical Testing

Shipped with a certified test report for insulation resistance and AC or DC dielectric withstand.



Medium Voltage Power Solutions 5kV – 35kV


Medium Voltage Cables

Part Numbers

Part No. (TC-ER*) Cable Size Conductor/Pole Count Cond. Stranding Ampacity Insulation Thickness
Jacket Thickness
Nominal O.D.
WT. Per 1000’
Shielding Type
70502 2 AWG 1 259 190 0.11 0.125 0.975 674 Overall Shield
70540 4/0 AWG 1 532 400 0.11 0.155 1.3 1393 Overall Shield
70525 250 kcmil 1 627 445 0.12 0.155 1.3 1477 Overall Shield
70535 350 kcmil 1 888 550 0.12 0.17 1.49 1926 Overall Shield
70550  500 kcmil 1 1221 695 0.12 0.19 1.7 2662 Overall Shield
70102 2 AWG 1 259 195 0.21 0.155 1.325 881 Overall Shield
70110 1/0 AWG 1 266 260 0.21 0.155 1.325 1147 Overall Shield
70140 4/0 AWG 1 532 400 0.21 0.17 1.497 1594 Overall Shield
70125 250 kcmil 1 608 445 0.21 0.17 1.55 1760 Overall Shield
70135 350 kcmil 1 888 550 0.21 0.19 1.765 2364 Overall Shield
70150 500 kcmil 1 1221 685 0.21 0.19 1.9 2937 Overall Shield
70201 1 AWG 1 259 225 0.26 0.17 1.45 1170 Overall Shield
70210 1/0 AWG 1 266 260 0.295 0.17 1.5 1350 Overall Shield
70240 4/0 AWG 1 532 395 0.295 0.19 1.713 1909 Overall Shield
70225 250 kcmil 1 627 440 0.295 0.19 1.765 2085 Overall Shield
70235  350 kcmil 1 888 545 0.295 0.19 1.886 2517 Overall Shield
70250 500 kcmil 1 1221 680 0.295 0.205 2.048 3168 Overall Shield
70275 750 kcmil 1 1850 870 0.295 0.205 2.253 4253 Overall Shield
70310 1 AWG 1 259 225 0.34 0.17 1.623 1465 Overall Shield
70316 1/0 AWG 1 266 260 0.34 0.17 1.725 1632 Overall Shield
70340 4/0 AWG 1 532 395 0.34 0.205 1.895 2235 Overall Shield
70325 250 kcmil 1 608 440 0.34 0.205 1.96 2429 Overall Shield
70335 350 kcmil 1 888 545 0.34 0.205 2.1 2901 Overall Shield
70350 500 kcmil 1 1221 680 0.34 0.205 2.28 3396 Overall Shield

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