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We needed a better cable in critical areas of our control system so TPC showed us their Super-Trex® and Trex-Onics® products but TPC challenged us to try anything to cause a failure. We decided to try the most abusive thing we could think of — run the cable over with a 60,000 lb track rig. When the initial test didn’t cause a failure, we performed a 0 degree turn, pivoting directly on the cable. The only damage to the cable was the abraded outer casing. Since this experiment 3 years ago, we have been using Super-Trex® and Trex-Onics® for our mission-critical cable assemblies, without a failure.
Al Creely
Senior Control Engineer Schramm, Inc.


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Solución Para La Industria

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Folletos Familia de Producto

Super-Trex® Familia de cables y alambres eléctricos Descargar PDF 
Trex-Onics® Familia de cables electrónicos y eléctricos Descargar PDF 
Thermo-Trex® Familia de alambres, cables y mangas para alta temperatura Descargar PDF 
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Soluciones de Ingenieria Sistemas de Conexión Industrial Descargar Descargar PDF 
Ensambles moldeados para aplicaciones de soldadura y alimentación temporal Descargar PDF 
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New & Productos destacados 

Manga Ultra-Sleeve™ Therm® resistente a productos químicos y a la humedad con cierre Descargar PDF 
Conectores circulares moldeados  Descargar PDF  
Cable 200-HD Thermo-Trex® Descargar PDF  
Cable para sopladores de vapor Trex-Onics® Descargar PDF  
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Catalogo De Producto

TPC Wire & Cable Corp. Catálogo 2015-2016 Producto Descargar PDF  


Solicite un Presupuesto


We needed a better cable in critical areas of our control system so TPC showed us their Super-Trex® and Trex-Onics® products but TPC challenged us to try anything to cause a failure. We decided to try the most abusive thing we could think of — run the cable over with a 60,000 lb track rig. When the initial test didn’t cause a failure, we performed a 0 degree turn, pivoting directly on the cable. The only damage to the cable was the abraded outer casing. Since this experiment 3 years ago, we have been using Super-Trex® and Trex-Onics® for our mission-critical cable assemblies, without a failure.
Al Creely
Senior Control Engineer Schramm, Inc.

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